Although all references were removed from the current condensed version of Rome's Revolution the Vuduri do not keep time like we do. They keep what is called Metric Time.
A metric second is .864 of our seconds. This allows you to have 100 metric seconds per metric minute, 100 metric minutes per metric hour and 10 metric hours per day. The length of their day is exactly the same as our day.
In earlier incarnations of the book, the Vuduri did not even use the term “hour” but instead referred to an hour as a deci-day, a minute as a milli-day and a second as 10 micro-days.
Going larger, the Vuduri have 10 days per week and 4 weeks per month and 10 months per year.
Here is how you count in Vuduri:
1. Um
2. Tios
3. Dras
4. Quedri
5. Conci
6. Saos
7. Sada
8. Iodi
9. Nifa
10. Taz
The Vuduri word for day is Emi. Here are their days of the week:
Umemi, Tiosemi, Drasemi, Quedremi, Concemi, Saosemi, Sademi, Iodemi, Nifemi and Tazemi.
The Vuduri word for month is Mas. Here are their months:
Umas, Tiomas, Dramas, Quemas, Conmas, Saomas, Sadmas, Iomas, Nimas and Tamas.
The only odd month is Tamas which is normally only five days but in leap years is six days. The Vuduri, of course, make no particular note of this fact. However, the mandasurte call Tamas “Poor Tamas” as it is the month that is short-changed.
Poor Tamas is a time of great celebration and the mandasurte usually take the entire week off. It is both for reflection upon the failings and accomplishments of the prior year and the anticipation of the upcoming year. It is a combination of Yom Kippur which is the Day of Atonement and a New Year’s celebration, complete with resolutions.
One of the jokes in The Ark Lords was when Virga captured Rei. He told her he could overpower her in eight-tenths of a second, a passing reference to Metric Time being omitted from the final story.